digital marketing hero

Professional Certificate

Digital Marketing

It’s important to keep your skills aligned with industry demands and for you to stay competitive in today’s marketplace. To do so, you may need skills that add value beyond a degree.

To help you become familiar with emerging technologies and processes and add new skills to your portfolio, eRasmussen has created the Digital Marketing Professional Certificate, a non-degree, non-credit training course.1

Get started in the Digital Marketing Professional Certificate today

Be Prepared with Digital Marketing Tactics

This Professional Certificate focuses on the impacts of technology on marketing groups and how marketing professionals can create competitive advantages for their organization. The Digital Marketing courses will prepare you for the emerging digital marketing environment, including topics such as digital marketing analytics, search engine optimization, social media marketing and the development of digital marketing strategies.

When you complete the Digital Marketing Professional Certificate, you will have a richer understanding of the foundations of the new digital marketing landscape and acquired a new set of competencies, concepts and tools to help you create, manage and communicate in various digital marketing platforms. Completing the Digital Marketing Professional Certificate will create a competitive advantage in the digital marketing landscape and a new set of competencies, concepts and tools to help you manage and communicate differentiated digital marketing programs.


Evolve Your Career

Cultivate in-demand, relevant job skills quickly and increase your potential without an overwhelming investment of time or money.

Keep Ahead of Emerging Technology

Sharpen critical digital marketing job skills such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media and data analytics.

Upskill Your Career

Digital Marketing roles show a nearly $7,000 salary premium over other marketing roles. 2

Build Your Resume

Showcase your new in-demand digital marketing skills valued by employers. 4 in 10 marketing openings call for digital skills, and the number of postings calling for digital skills has nearly doubled in the last five years. 2


What You Will Learn

  • COURSE 1:

    Foundations of Digital Marketing

    Learn the role of digital marketing; search engine optimization (SEO); social media, mobile and email marketing; engagement through cross-platform digital and data analytics.

  • COURSE 2:

    Search Engine Optimization and Marketing Strategies

    Learn organic web search, SEO and content marketing for e-commerce, keywords and analytics.

  • COURSE 3:

    Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies

    Learn information sources, paid vs. organic traffic, tracking platforms and email campaigns.

  • COURSE 4:

    Visual Marketing and Social Media

    Learn visual marketing, paid vs. organic social media, how to organize multiple platforms and end-to-end strategy calendar creation.

digital marketing skills
Move your career forward with critical digital marketing skills.

Show Your Proficiency

Courses can be taken in any order. Each completed course will earn you a badge. Completing them all with qualify you for the Professional Certificate. Show your proficiency by sharing your badges and certificate on your resume or LinkedIn®.3


Affordable and Convenient

Affordable and Convenient

Engaging content such as videos, infographics and interactive elements emphasize skill mastery; not just theory. Earning a Professional Certificate means quickly realizing the benefits of your new proficiencies with validated skill competencies to showcase on your resume.

Plus, all of the eRasmussen Professional Certificates are available to everyone with no costs or fees to help support our community of motivated learners.4

  • Career training that’s easy to manage

    • No cost to you 4
    • Cloud-based and available on your time
    • Average completion time per course is just six to eight hours 5
    • Easily digestible content units (45–90 minutes), including video, images and interactive elements that keep you engaged
    • Our courses save your progress in real time, allowing you to pause your work and complete it later

4 courses

$0 per course

100% online


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